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उसका स्वर उत्तेजित (agitato) था।
His tone was agitated.
वह उत्तेजित (agitato) होकर इधर-उधर भाग रहा था।
He was running around agitatedly.
उसकी आँखें उत्तेजित (agitato) भाव से चमक रही थीं।
His eyes shone with agitated emotion.
वह बेचैन (agitato) और घबराया हुआ लग रहा था।
He seemed restless and nervous.
उसकी बेचैनी (agitato) साफ दिखाई दे रही थी।
His restlessness was evident.
उसका मन बेचैन (agitato) था।
His mind was restless.
वह अपने काम में व्यग्र (agitato) था।
He was busy with his work.
वह अपने परिवार के लिए व्यग्र (agitato) था।
He was anxious for his family.
उसका चेहरा व्यग्र (agitato) भाव से भर गया था।
His face was filled with anxious expression.
वह हड़बड़ाया हुआ (agitato) था और उसे क्या करना है यह नहीं पता था।
He was flustered and didn't know what to do.
घटना के बाद वह हड़बड़ाया हुआ (agitato) लग रहा था।
He seemed flustered after the incident.
वह हड़बड़ाया हुआ (agitato) भागने लगा।
He started running in a fluster.
उसका व्यवहार आवेगपूर्ण (agitato) था।
His behavior was impulsive.
उसने आवेगपूर्ण (agitato) प्रतिक्रिया दी।
He gave an impulsive response.
उसकी बातें आवेगपूर्ण (agitato) थीं।
His words were impulsive.
वह अपने काम में उतावला (agitato) था।
He was impatient in his work.
वह उतावला (agitato) होकर काम पूरा करने की कोशिश कर रहा था।
He was trying to finish the work impatiently.
उसका उतावला (agitato)पन साफ दिखाई दे रहा था।
His impatience was evident.
वह अपने भविष्य को लेकर चिंतित (agitato) था।
He was worried about his future.
वह परीक्षा को लेकर चिंतित (agitato) था।
He was worried about the exam.
उसके चेहरे पर चिंता (agitato) साफ झलक रही थी।
His worry was clearly visible on his face.
वह किसी बात को लेकर परेशान (agitato) था।
He was worried about something.
वह अपने बच्चों की परवरिश को लेकर परेशान (agitato) था।
He was worried about raising his children.
वह आर्थिक तंगी से परेशान (agitato) था।
He was worried about financial difficulties.
वह अँधेरे से डरा हुआ (agitato) था।
He was scared of the dark.
वह कुत्ते से डरा हुआ (agitato) भाग गया।
He ran away scared of the dog.
वह भूतों से डरा हुआ (agitato) था।
He was scared of ghosts.
उसका हाथ कंपित (agitato) था।
His hand was trembling.
वह कंपित (agitato) स्वर में बोला।
He spoke in a trembling voice.
उसका शरीर कंपित (agitato) हो गया।
His body trembled.
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