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उसके कपड़ों का संग्रह बहुत ही मोटलेयर था।
His collection of clothes was very motley.
बाजार में मोटलेयर भीड़ इकट्ठी हुई थी।
A motley crowd gathered in the market.
उसकी रचनात्मकता में मोटलेयर तत्व शामिल थे।
His creativity included motley elements.
इस समूह में मोटलेयर पृष्ठभूमि के लोग थे।
This group comprised people from motley backgrounds.
उसके विचार मोटलेयर थे, विभिन्न विचारधाराओं का मिश्रण।
His ideas were motley, a mixture of different ideologies.
उसके व्यक्तित्व में मोटलेयर गुण थे।
His personality had motley qualities.
उसने मोटलेयर रंगों से चित्र बनाया।
He painted with motley colors.
कक्षा में मोटलेयर क्षमताओं वाले छात्र थे।
The class had students with motley abilities.
उसका अनुभव मोटलेयर था, कई क्षेत्रों को शामिल करता था।
His experience was motley, encompassing many fields.
उस रेस्टोरेंट में मोटलेयर व्यंजन थे।
That restaurant had motley dishes.
उसने मोटलेयर फूलों का गुलदस्ता बनाया था।
She made a bouquet of motley flowers.
उसके संगीत में मोटलेयर शैलियाँ थीं।
His music had motley styles.
उसकी साँस लेने की गति मोटलेयर थी।
His breathing pattern was motley.
उसकी दिनचर्या मोटलेयर थी।
His routine was motley.
उसकी लिखावट मोटलेयर थी।
His handwriting was motley.
उसका कमरा मोटलेयर था।
His room was motley.
उसकी सोच मोटलेयर थी।
His thinking was motley.
उसका कार्य मोटलेयर था।
His work was motley.
उसने मोटलेयर परिस्थितियों का सामना किया।
He faced motley circumstances.
मोटलेयर मौसम ने यात्रा को कठिन बना दिया।
The motley weather made the journey difficult.
उसका स्वास्थ्य मोटलेयर था।
His health was motley.
उस क्षेत्र में मोटलेयर आबादी थी।
That area had a motley population.
उसके बाल मोटलेयर थे।
His hair was motley.
उसके विचार मोटलेयर थे।
His thoughts were motley.
उसने मोटलेयर ढंग से काम किया।
He worked in a motley manner.
उसकी कार्यशैली मोटलेयर थी।
His work style was motley.
उसके विचार मोटलेयर थे।
His ideas were motley.
उसने मोटलेयर परिणाम प्राप्त किये।
He obtained motley results.
मोटलेयर घटनाओं ने उसे चौंका दिया।
Motley events surprised him.
उसका भविष्य मोटलेयर था।
His future was motley.
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