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उसकी ज़बरदस्त savvying की वजह से वो मुश्किल काम आसानी से निपटा लेती है।
Because of her great savvying, she easily manages difficult tasks.
नई तकनीक को savvying करने से ही हम आगे बढ़ सकते हैं।
Only by savvying new technologies can we progress.
अपनी savvying से उसने कंपनी को बड़े नुकसान से बचा लिया।
With her savvying, she saved the company from great loss.
उसकी काम करने की savvying देखते ही बनती है।
His work savvying is remarkable.
इस काम में savvying की बहुत ज़रूरत है।
This work requires a lot of savvying.
वह savvying से काम करता है इसलिए काम जल्दी पूरा हो जाता है
He works with savvying, so the work is completed quickly.
उसके पास इस विषय का बहुत अच्छा savvying है।
He has very good savvying on this subject.
savvying के बिना काम नहीं चलेगा।
Work won't get done without savvying.
उसने savvying से ही यह मुश्किल सवाल हल किया।
He solved this difficult question with his savvying.
अपनी savvying से उसने धोखे से काम निकाल लिया।
With his savvying, he slyly got the work done.
वह savvying से ही सबको चकमा दे देता है।
He cleverly outsmarts everyone.
इस काम में थोड़ी savvying की जरूरत है
This work needs a little savvying.
उसने savvying से ही उस आदमी को पहचान लिया।
He recognized the man by his savvying.
उसकी savvying ने उसे कामयाब बनाया।
His savvying made him successful.
उसकी savvying ने उसे बड़ी सफलता दिलाई
His savvying brought him great success.
उसे इस मामले की पूरी savvying है।
He has complete savvying of this matter.
savvying से काम लो, जल्दबाजी मत करो।
Use your savvying, don't rush.
उसकी savvying ने उसे सही रास्ता दिखाया
His savvying showed him the right path.
उसकी savvying से समस्या का समाधान हो गया।
His savvying solved the problem.
इस काम में savvying की बहुत ज़रूरत है।
This work needs a lot of savvying.
savvying से ही कामयाबी मिलेगी
Success will come only with savvying.
उसकी savvying ने उसे सफलता दिलाई।
His savvying brought him success.
वह savvying से काम करता है
He works with savvying.
उसकी savvying ने उसको बचा लिया
His savvying saved him.
उसके पास कई तरह के savvying हैं।
He possesses many kinds of savvying.
savvying से काम करना सीखो।
Learn to work with savvying.
उसकी savvying ने उसे आगे बढ़ाया
His savvying moved him forward.
savvying से काम लो, जल्दबाज़ी मत करो।
Use your savvying, don't rush.
उसकी savvying ने उसे सही फ़ैसला लेने में मदद की।
His savvying helped him make the right decision.
अपनी savvying का इस्तेमाल करो
Use your savvying.
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