
Slate Meaning in Hindi

Slate Meaning in Hindi

Hindi Meaning of Slate

Hindi Meaning of Slate
स्लेट की पट्टी
उम्मीदवारों की सूची
कड़ी आलोचना करना
योजना बनाना
स्लेटी रंग का

English Meaning of Slate

English Meaning of Slate
a piece of construction material (such as laminated rock) prepared as a shingle for roofing and siding
a dense fine-grained metamorphic rock produced by the compression of various sediments (such as clay or shale) so as to develop a characteristic cleavage
a tablet (as of slate) used for writing on
a written or unwritten record (as of deeds)
a list of candidates for nomination or election
a dark purplish gray
any of various grays similar in color to common roofing slates
to cover (something) with slate or a slatelike substance
to designate (someone or something) for a specified purpose or action occurring especially at a fixed time
to thrash or pummel severely
to criticize or censure severely
a piece of construction material (as layered rock) prepared as a shingle for roofing and siding
a dense fine-grained rock formed by compression of shales or other rocks that splits readily into thin layers or plates
a tablet of material (as slate) used for writing on
a written or unwritten record (as of deeds)
a list of candidates for nomination or election
a dark purplish gray
a gray similar in color to common roofing slate
to cover with slate or a slatelike substance
to register or schedule for a special purpose or action