
Swipe Meaning in Hindi

Swipe Meaning in Hindi

Hindi Meaning of Swipe

Hindi Meaning of Swipe
ज़बर्दस्त वार
इलैक्ट्रनिक रीडर में से गुज़ारना
ले कर चंपत हो जाना
कड़ी चोट
अन्धाधुन्ध मार
घुमा कर मारना
ज़ोर से मारना
हाथ झुलाकर मारना
मुंहतोड़ प्रहार मारना
कड़ा आघात
घुमा कर किया प्रहार
ज़ोर से अन्धाधुन्ध मारना
एक व्यक्ति जो मुंहतोड़ प्रहार करता है
हिट मारने वाला

English Meaning of Swipe

English Meaning of Swipe
a strong sweeping blow
a sliding gesture (as across the touch screen of a mobile device)
a sharp often critical remark
to strike or move with a sweeping motion
to operate something (such as a function on a mobile device) by sliding one's finger while pressing against a touch screen
to strike or wipe (something or someone) with a sweeping motion
to activate or control (something) with a swiping gesture
steal, pilfer
to slide (a card with a magnetic strip or bar code) through a slot in a reading device so that information contained in the strip or code can be processed (as in making a purchase)
to strike or wipe with a sweeping motion
to operate something (such as a function on a mobile device) by sliding one's finger while pressing against a touch screen
to slide (a card with a magnetic strip or bar code) through a slot in a reading device so that information stored on the strip can be processed (as in making a purchase)
a strong sweeping blow
a sliding gesture (as across the touch screen of a mobile device)