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बाजार में लोग thronged थे।
The market was thronged with people.
उस कार्यक्रम में लोग thronged थे।
The event was thronged with people.
यात्रा के दौरान रेलवे स्टेशन thronged था।
The railway station was thronged during the journey.
कमरा लोगों से thronged था।
The room was thronged with people.
सभा thronged थी।
The meeting was thronged.
हॉल thronged था दर्शकों से।
The hall was thronged with spectators.
दुश्मन सैनिकों ने शहर पर thronged किया।
Enemy soldiers thronged the city.
शहर पर दुश्मनों ने thronged किया और उसे जीत लिया।
Enemies thronged the city and conquered it.
उन पर मुसीबतों ने thronged किया।
Troubles thronged upon them.
लोग उत्सव में thronged हुए।
People thronged at the festival.
वे सभी एक साथ thronged हुए।
They all thronged together.
वे समाधान के लिए thronged हुए।
They thronged for a solution.
भीड़ ने उसे thronged लिया।
The crowd thronged him.
उसने उसे thronged लिया।
He thronged him.
घर को लोगों ने thronged लिया।
The house was thronged by people.
कार्यक्रम ने हॉल को thronged कर दिया।
The event thronged the hall.
लोगों ने सड़क को thronged कर दिया।
People thronged the road.
उत्सव ने शहर को thronged कर दिया।
The festival thronged the city.
वहाँ लोग thronged थे।
There were people thronged.
उस जगह पर thronged थे।
They were thronged at that place.
बाजार में लोग thronged थे।
People were thronged in the market.
उसने भीड़ में thronged किया।
He thronged into the crowd.
वह भीड़ में thronged करके निकल गया।
He thronged through the crowd and escaped.
वह भीड़ में thronged करके आगे बढ़ा।
He thronged through the crowd and went ahead.
लोग मदद के लिए thronged आए।
People thronged for help.
सभी लोग वहाँ thronged आए।
Everyone thronged there.
लोग उत्सव के लिए thronged आए।
People thronged for the festival.
हम सभी एक दूसरे से thronged मिले।
We all thronged met each other.
वे वहाँ thronged मिले।
They thronged met there.
दोनों परिवार thronged मिले।
Both families thronged met.
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