
आवासन Meaning in English

आवासन Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of आवासन

Hindi Meaning of आवासन

English Meaning of आवासन

English Meaning of आवासन
"Aawasan" in Hindi translates to **housing** or **dwelling** in English. Here's a breakdown * **Aawasan** This is the Hindi word for "housing" or "dwelling". It refers to a place where people live, such as a house, apartment, or any other type of residence. * **Housing** This is the general English term for any structure that serves as a place to live. * **Dwelling** This is another English word that refers to a place of residence, often used to emphasize the act of living in a specific place. Therefore, "Aawasan" is a Hindi term that encompasses the concept of a place where people live, which translates to "housing" or "dwelling" in English.