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ओयड़ों Meaning in English


ओयड़ों पेड़ लगे हुए हैं।

Many trees are planted.

उसके पास ओयड़ों रुपये हैं।

He has a lot of money.

ओयड़ों लोग इस कार्यक्रम में आए थे।

Many people came to this event.


ओयड़ों फल लगे हुए हैं।

There are plenty of fruits.

हमारे पास ओयड़ों अनाज है।

We have plenty of grains.

ओयड़ों किताबें उसकी अलमारी में हैं।

There are plenty of books in his cupboard.

a lot

ओयड़ों काम करना पड़ा।

A lot of work had to be done.

ओयड़ों बारिश हुई।

It rained a lot.

उसने ओयड़ों मिठाई खाई।

He ate a lot of sweets.

a great deal

ओयड़ों परेशानी हुई।

A great deal of trouble occurred.

ओयड़ों धन खर्च हुआ।

A great deal of money was spent.

ओयड़ों समय लगा।

It took a great deal of time.


ओयड़ों लोग प्रदर्शन कर रहे थे।

Masses of people were demonstrating.

ओयड़ों पक्षी आसमान में उड़ रहे थे।

Masses of birds were flying in the sky.

ओयड़ों मछलियाँ तालाब में तैर रही थीं।

Masses of fish were swimming in the pond.


ओयड़ों तारे दिखाई दे रहे थे।

A multitude of stars were visible.

ओयड़ों फूल खिले हुए थे।

A multitude of flowers were blooming.

ओयड़ों विचार उसके मन में थे।

A multitude of thoughts were in his mind.


ओयड़ों पानी बरस रहा था।

Copious rain was falling.

ओयड़ों दूध निकला।

Copious milk came out.

ओयड़ों आँसू बहाए।

She shed copious tears.


ओयड़ों रंगों का प्रयोग किया गया।

A profusion of colors was used.

ओयड़ों पेड़ पौधे लगे थे।

A profusion of trees and plants were planted.

ओयड़ों उपहार मिले।

A profusion of gifts were received.


ओयड़ों धन संपत्ति थी उनके पास।

They had superabundance of wealth.

ओयड़ों अनाज का उत्पादन हुआ।

There was superabundance of grain production.

ओयड़ों खुशियाँ मिलीं।

Superabundance of happiness was received.


ओयड़ों कपड़े रखे थे।

Heaps of clothes were kept.

ओयड़ों किताबें पढ़ीं।

Heaps of books were read.

ओयड़ों काम किया।

Heaps of work was done.


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