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ख्वाइशों Meaning in English


His khwahishon were never fulfilled.

उनकी ख्वाइशें कभी पूरी नहीं हुईं।

She harbored many khwahishon in her heart.

उसके दिल में कई ख्वाइशें थीं।

Their khwahishon led them to great heights.

उनकी ख्वाइशों ने उन्हें बड़ी ऊँचाइयों तक पहुँचाया।


The child's khwahishon were simple.

बच्चे की ख्वाइशें साधारण थीं।

She made a wish, one of her many khwahishon.

उसने एक ख्वाइश की, उसकी कई ख्वाइशों में से एक।

He expressed his khwahishon to his family.

उसने अपने परिवार को अपनी ख्वाइशें बताईं।


His khwahishon for a better life were strong.

बेहतर जीवन के लिए उसकी ख्वाइशें मजबूत थीं।

Her khwahishon tugged at her heart.

उसके दिल में उसकी ख्वाइशें खींच रही थीं।

The khwahishon of the people were ignored.

लोगों की ख्वाइशों को अनदेखा कर दिया गया।


His khwahishon for home were intense.

घर के लिए उसकी ख्वाइशें तीव्र थीं।

Her khwahishon were a source of comfort.

उसकी ख्वाइशें आराम का स्रोत थीं।

They felt the khwahishon of their ancestors.

उन्होंने अपने पूर्वजों की ख्वाइशें महसूस कीं।


Their khwahishon were ambitious.

उनकी ख्वाइशें महत्वाकांक्षी थीं।

She pursued her khwahishon relentlessly.

उसने अपनी ख्वाइशों का अथक पीछा किया।

His khwahishon shaped his career.

उसकी ख्वाइशों ने उसके करियर को आकार दिया।


His khwahishon were as vast as the sky.

उसकी ख्वाइशें आकाश जितनी विशाल थीं।

She chased her khwahishon.

उसने अपनी ख्वाइशों का पीछा किया।

Their khwahishon were shattered.

उनकी ख्वाइशें चकनाचूर हो गईं।


His khwahishon for a peaceful future were strong.

शांतिपूर्ण भविष्य के लिए उसकी ख्वाइशें मजबूत थीं।

She held onto her khwahishon.

उसने अपनी ख्वाइशों को थाम रखा।

Their khwahishon were dashed.

उनकी ख्वाइशें चूर हो गईं।


His khwahishon were often unrealistic.

उसकी ख्वाइशें अक्सर अवास्तविक होती थीं।

She lived in a world of khwahishon.

वह ख्वाइशों की दुनिया में रहती थी।

Their khwahishon were impractical.

उनकी ख्वाइशें अव्यावहारिक थीं।


His khwahishon guided his actions.

उसकी ख्वाइशों ने उसके कार्यों का मार्गदर्शन किया।

She strived to achieve her khwahishon.

उसने अपनी ख्वाइशों को प्राप्त करने का प्रयास किया।

Their khwahishon inspired others.

उनकी ख्वाइशों ने दूसरों को प्रेरित किया।


His khwahishon were high-reaching.

उसकी ख्वाइशें ऊँची थीं।

She had great khwahishon for her future.

उसके भविष्य के लिए उसकी बड़ी ख्वाइशें थीं।

Their khwahishon were evident in their work.

उनकी ख्वाइशें उनके काम में स्पष्ट थीं।


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