
छीनी Meaning in English

छीनी Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of छीनी

Hindi Meaning of छीनी

English Meaning of छीनी

English Meaning of छीनी
"Chhini" can have a few meanings in English, depending on the context. Here are a few possibilities **1. Taken Away** This is the most common meaning of "chhini" and refers to something being taken away or snatched. It's similar to "stolen" or "robbed". **2. Deprived** It can also refer to being deprived of something, like being deprived of happiness or freedom. **3. Lost** In some cases, "chhini" can simply mean "lost", as in something being lost or gone. **4. Separated** It can also signify being separated from someone or something, like being separated from a loved one. To understand the exact meaning of "chhini", you need to consider the context in which it's used. Please provide the sentence or phrase containing "chhini" so I can help you understand the specific meaning.