
डब्लू Meaning in English

डब्लू Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of डब्लू

Hindi Meaning of डब्लू

English Meaning of डब्लू

English Meaning of डब्लू
"W" is the 23rd letter of the English alphabet. It can have various meanings depending on the context, here are a few **As a letter** * **W** is simply the letter itself, representing the sound "w" in the English alphabet. **As an abbreviation** * **W** can stand for **"Wednesday"**. * **W** can stand for **"West"** (as in direction). * **W** can stand for **"Watt"** (a unit of power). * **W** can stand for **"Win"** (as in a victory). * **W** can stand for **"Wife"**. * **W** can stand for **"Week"**. **In other contexts** * **W** is often used as a symbol for **"wrong"**. * **W** can be used as a symbol for **"warning"**. * **W** can be used as a symbol for **"woman"**. **Without context, it's impossible to tell the exact meaning of "W". ** You need more information to understand its meaning in a specific situation.