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The haunted house was scary.
सुनसान घर डरावना था।
I had a scary dream last night.
मेरा कल रात एक डरावना सपना आया था।
The movie was too scary for me.
फिल्म मेरे लिए बहुत डरावनी थी।
The storm was frightening.
तूफान डरावना था।
It was a frightening experience.
यह एक डरावना अनुभव था।
The news was frightening.
यह खबर डरावनी थी।
The accident was horrifying.
दुर्घटना भयावह थी।
The sight was horrifying.
दृश्य भयावह था।
It was a horrifying experience
यह एक भयावह अनुभव था।
The ride was terrifying.
सवारी भयानक थी।
The situation was terrifying.
स्थिति भयावह थी।
It was a terrifying moment.
यह एक भयावह क्षण था।
I had a fearful dream.
मेरा एक भयावह सपना आया।
She was fearful of the dark.
वह अंधेरे से डरती थी।
He was fearful for his life
वह अपनी जान के लिए डरता था।
The weather was dreadful.
मौसम भयानक था।
The food was dreadful.
खाना भयानक था।
It was a dreadful day.
यह एक भयानक दिन था।
The news was alarming.
यह खबर चौंकाने वाली थी।
The situation was alarming.
स्थिति खतरनाक थी।
There was an alarming increase in crime.
अपराध में एक चिंताजनक वृद्धि हुई थी।
The dog was threatening.
कुत्ता खतरनाक था।
The situation was threatening.
स्थिति खतरनाक थी।
His tone was threatening.
उसका लहजा धमकी भरा था।
The house was creepy.
घर डरावना था।
The movie was creepy.
फिल्म डरावनी थी।
He gave me a creepy feeling.
उसने मुझे एक डरावना एहसास दिलाया।
The silence was eerie.
ख़ामोशी डरावनी थी।
The atmosphere was eerie.
मौसम डरावना था।
It was an eerie experience.
यह एक डरावना अनुभव था।
The clouds were ominous.
बादल डरावने थे।
The silence was ominous.
ख़ामोशी डरावनी थी।
There was an ominous feeling in the air.
हवा में एक डरावना एहसास था।
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