
डूबना Meaning in English

डूबना Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of डूबना

Hindi Meaning of डूबना

English Meaning of डूबना

English Meaning of डूबना
"डूबना" in English can have several meanings depending on the context. Here are some possibilities * **To sink** This is the most common meaning, referring to the action of something going underwater. * Example The ship was **doomed to sink**. * **To drown** This refers to the act of dying from being submerged in water. * Example He **drowned** in the river. * **To immerse** This can refer to being completely covered in something, not necessarily water. * Example **Immerse** the fabric in the dye for 30 minutes. * **To be overwhelmed** This refers to being unable to cope with something, often due to strong emotions. * Example I was **drowning** in paperwork. * **To decline** This can refer to a decrease in value or importance. * Example The company's stock price is **sinking**. To get the most accurate translation, please provide more context about how "डूबना" is being used.