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The court ruled in her favor, and she said, "Tathāstu."
अदालत ने उसके पक्ष में फैसला सुनाया, और उसने कहा, "तथास्तु।"
He wished for peace, and replied with a quiet "Tathāstu."
उसने शांति की कामना की, और शांत स्वर में "तथास्तु" कहा।
"Tathāstu," she whispered, accepting her fate.
उसने अपने भाग्य को स्वीकार करते हुए फुसफुसाया, "तथास्तु।"
The priest ended the prayer with a resounding "Tathāstu."
पुजारी ने प्रार्थना का अंत गूंजते हुए "तथास्तु" से किया।
The congregation responded in unison, "Tathāstu."
सभा ने एक स्वर में उत्तर दिया, "तथास्तु।"
She said "Tathāstu" after the blessing.
आशीर्वाद के बाद उसने "तथास्तु" कहा।
He accepted the challenge, muttering, "Tathāstu."
उसने चुनौती स्वीकार कर ली, बड़बड़ाते हुए, "तथास्तु।"
"Tathāstu," she sighed, resigning herself to her task.
उसने अपने काम के लिए खुद को समर्पित करते हुए आह भरी, "तथास्तु।"
He simply said "Tathāstu" and walked away.
उसने बस इतना ही कहा "तथास्तु" और चला गया।
"Tathāstu," said the king, accepting the treaty.
राजा ने संधि स्वीकार करते हुए कहा, "तथास्तु।"
The parties involved said "Tathāstu" to the terms.
शामिल पक्षकारों ने शर्तों पर "तथास्तु" कहा।
With a nod and a "Tathāstu," the deal was sealed.
एक इशारे और "तथास्तु" के साथ, सौदा तय हो गया।
"Tathāstu," he said, and started working.
उसने कहा, "तथास्तु," और काम शुरू कर दिया।
She accepted the news with a simple "Tathāstu."
उसने एक साधारण "तथास्तु" के साथ समाचार स्वीकार कर लिया।
He gave a curt "Tathāstu" and turned away.
उसने एक संक्षिप्त "तथास्तु" दिया और मुड़ गया।
"Tathāstu," it is a great honor.
"तथास्तु," यह एक बड़ा सम्मान है।
"Tathāstu," that is the truth.
"तथास्तु," यही सच है।
"Tathāstu," it is very clear.
"तथास्तु," यह बहुत स्पष्ट है।
"Tathāstu," that's precisely what happened.
"तथास्तु," ठीक यही हुआ था।
"Tathāstu," you've got it right.
"तथास्तु," आप सही कह रहे हैं।
"Tathāstu," your analysis is correct.
"तथास्तु," आपका विश्लेषण सही है।
"Tathāstu," I will help you.
"तथास्तु," मैं तुम्हारी मदद करूँगा।
"Tathāstu," I will be there.
"तथास्तु," मैं वहाँ रहूँगा।
"Tathāstu," I shall consider it.
"तथास्तु," मैं इस पर विचार करूँगा।
"Tathāstu," the master said, granting the request.
"तथास्तु," स्वामी ने अनुरोध स्वीकार करते हुए कहा।
The servant responded, "Tathāstu," obeying his master.
नौकर ने अपने स्वामी की आज्ञा मानते हुए उत्तर दिया, "तथास्तु।"
She said "Tathāstu" complying to his orders.
उसने उसके आदेशों का पालन करते हुए "तथास्तु" कहा।
The king declared, "Tathāstu," and the law was passed.
राजा ने घोषणा की, "तथास्तु," और कानून पारित हो गया।
"Tathāstu," she said, accepting the decision.
"तथास्तु," उसने निर्णय स्वीकार करते हुए कहा।
He declared "Tathāstu" and signed the document.
उसने "तथास्तु" घोषित किया और दस्तावेज़ पर हस्ताक्षर किए।
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