The word "सक्षम" (saksham) in Hindi has multiple meanings in English, depending on the context
**1. Able, capable** This is the most common meaning. It refers to someone who has the necessary skills, knowledge, or resources to do something.
**Example** "वह इस काम के लिए सक्षम है।" (He is capable of doing this work.)
**2. Competent, qualified** This meaning emphasizes the ability to perform a task effectively.
**Example** "उनकी योग्यता और सक्षमता हमें प्रभावित करती है।" (Their competence and capability impress us.)
**3. Empowered, authorized** This meaning emphasizes having the power or authority to do something.
**Example** "उनके पास निर्णय लेने की सक्षमता है।" (They have the authority to make decisions.)
**4. Enabling, facilitating** This meaning emphasizes providing the means or support for someone to do something.
**Example** "शिक्षा महिलाओं को सक्षम बनाती है।" (Education empowers women.)
It's important to consider the context to understand the precise meaning of "सक्षम" in English.