
सहसंयोजक Meaning in English

सहसंयोजक Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of सहसंयोजक

Hindi Meaning of सहसंयोजक

English Meaning of सहसंयोजक

English Meaning of सहसंयोजक
The word "सहसंयोजक" (sahasanyojaka) is a Hindi word, and it translates to **covalent** in English. Here's a breakdown * **सह- (sah-)** means "co-" or "together" * **संयोजक (sanyojaka)** means "connector" or "binder" Therefore, **सहसंयोजक (sahasanyojaka)** literally means "co-connector" or "together-binder". In chemistry, a covalent bond is a chemical bond where two atoms share electrons to form a molecule. So, "covalent" accurately captures the meaning of "सहसंयोजक" in this context.