The word "आंत" in Hindi translates to **intestine** in English.
However, it's important to note that "आंत" can sometimes be used more generally to refer to the **gut** or **bowel**, encompassing both the small intestine and the large intestine.
So, depending on the context, "आंत" can be translated as
* **Intestine** This is the most literal and precise translation.
* **Gut** This is a more general term referring to the digestive system.
* **Bowel** This is another general term for the intestine.
For example
* "मुझे आंत में दर्द हो रहा है" - I have a stomach ache.
* "आंत की समस्या" - Bowel problem.
* "आंत में सूजन" - Intestine inflammation.
Always consider the context to determine the best translation.