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कार आते ही हम चले गए।
As soon as the car arrived, we left.
अतिथि आते ही भोजन तैयार कर दो।
Prepare the meal as soon as the guests arrive.
वे कल आते हैं।
They are coming tomorrow.
महमान आते ही हमने उनका स्वागत किया।
As soon as the guests arrived we welcomed them.
ट्रेन आते ही हम स्टेशन पर पहुँच गए।
As soon as the train arrived we reached the station.
वह बस आते ही उतर गया।
He got off as soon as the bus arrived.
फल आते हैं।
Fruits are being brought.
नए कपड़े आते हैं।
New clothes are being brought.
पैसे आते हैं।
Money is being brought.
वह आते ही क्रोधित हो गया।
He became angry as soon as he arrived.
मौसम आते ही बदल गया।
The weather changed as soon as it arrived.
समय आते ही वह समझ गया।
He understood as soon as time arrived.
उसके आते ही शोर हुआ।
Noise resulted from his coming.
बारिश आते ही सब लोग भीग गए।
Everyone got wet as a result of the rain.
उसके आते ही घर में खुशी आई।
Happiness came to the house as a result of his coming.
सूरज आते ही दिन हो गया।
It became day as soon as the sun appeared.
आशा आते ही हमें हिम्मत मिली।
We got courage as soon as hope appeared.
अचानक मुसीबत आते ही हमें डर लगा।
We got scared as soon as trouble suddenly appeared.
समस्या आते ही उसे हल करना पड़ा।
As soon as the problem emerged, he had to solve it.
सच आते ही उसे माफ़ करना पड़ा।
As soon as the truth emerged, he had to be forgiven.
सबूत आते ही उसे सज़ा मिली।
As soon as the evidence emerged, he received punishment.
उसे नौकरी आते ही खुशी हुई।
He was happy as soon as he obtained a job.
पैसे आते ही उसने कर्ज़ चुका दिया।
As soon as he obtained money, he repaid the debt.
उसे पुरस्कार आते ही वह प्रसन्न हुआ।
He was happy as soon as he obtained the award.
नदी में पानी आते हैं।
Water flows in the river.
बारिश का पानी आते हैं।
Rainwater flows.
पहाड़ों से पानी आते हैं।
Water flows from the mountains.
शेर आते ही हम भाग गए
We ran away as soon as the lion attacked.
दुश्मन आते ही हमने उन्हें रोक दिया
As soon as the enemy attacked, we stopped them.
बीमारी आते ही हम डॉक्टर के पास गए
As soon as the disease attacked, we went to the doctor.
इस खेत से अनाज आते हैं
This field yields grains.
इस पेड़ से फल आते हैं
This tree yields fruits.
इस गाय से दूध आते हैं
This cow yields milk.
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