
आधारशिला Meaning in English

आधारशिला Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of आधारशिला

Hindi Meaning of आधारशिला

English Meaning of आधारशिला

English Meaning of आधारशिला
The word "आधारशिला" (aadhar-shilla) in Hindi translates to **foundation stone** in English. It has a symbolic meaning beyond its literal translation. It represents * **The beginning or starting point of something.** * **The most important element on which something else is built.** * **A fundamental principle or belief.** For example, you might say * "The signing of the peace treaty marked the **foundation stone** of a new era of cooperation." * "Trust is the **foundation stone** of any successful relationship." The word "आधारशिला" can be used in various contexts, but it always implies a sense of importance and significance.