
आयोजना Meaning in English

आयोजना Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of आयोजना

Hindi Meaning of आयोजना

English Meaning of आयोजना

English Meaning of आयोजना
The word "आयोजना" (ayojanā) in Hindi means **"planning"** in English. It encompasses the process of creating a detailed strategy or blueprint to achieve a specific goal or objective. Here are some examples of how "आयोजना" can be used in English * **"We need to make a proper plan (ayojanā) for our upcoming trip."** * **"The company's success is a result of their meticulous planning (ayojanā).** * **"The government has a comprehensive plan (ayojanā) for economic development."** Therefore, "आयोजना" is a crucial aspect of achieving success in various endeavors, whether it's a personal journey, a business venture, or a national project.