
उत्पादन Meaning in English

उत्पादन Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of उत्पादन

Hindi Meaning of उत्पादन

English Meaning of उत्पादन

English Meaning of उत्पादन
"Uत्पादन" in English can mean several things depending on the context, the most common being * **Production** This is the most common translation and refers to the process of creating goods or services. * **Output** This can refer to the quantity of goods or services produced. * **Yield** This refers to the amount of something produced, often in a natural process like farming. * **Product** This refers to the final item or service that is created. It's important to look at the context of the word in the sentence to determine the most accurate translation. For example * "The **उत्पादन** of cars has increased this year." Here, "उत्पादन" is best translated as "production." * "The factory's **उत्पादन** was low this month." Here, "उत्पादन" is best translated as "output." * "The farm's **उत्पादन** of wheat was excellent this year." Here, "उत्पादन" is best translated as "yield." * "The company's new **उत्पादन** is a revolutionary mobile phone." Here, "उत्पादन" is best translated as "product."