
उपभोग Meaning in English

उपभोग Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of उपभोग

Hindi Meaning of उपभोग

English Meaning of उपभोग

English Meaning of उपभोग
The word "उपभोग" (upabhog) in Hindi translates to **consumption** in English. Here are some other possible meanings of "उपभोग" depending on the context * **Enjoyment** This meaning is used when talking about experiencing something pleasurable. For example, "उपभोग करना" (upabhog karna) can mean "to enjoy" or "to savor." * **Use** This meaning is used when talking about utilizing something for a specific purpose. For example, "उपभोग सामग्री" (upabhog samagri) can mean "consumable goods" or "materials for consumption." * **Utilization** This meaning refers to the act of using something efficiently and effectively. The exact meaning of "उपभोग" will depend on the context in which it is used.