
ऊंचे Meaning in English

ऊंचे Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of ऊंचे

Hindi Meaning of ऊंचे

English Meaning of ऊंचे

English Meaning of ऊंचे
"ऊंचे" in English can have several meanings depending on the context. Here are a few possibilities * **High** This is the most common translation and is used to describe something that is elevated or at a great height. * Example "The mountains are **high**." (पहाड़ **ऊंचे** हैं.) * **Tall** This is used to describe something that has a great vertical length, particularly referring to people or objects. * Example "She is a **tall** woman." (वह एक **ऊंची** महिला है।) * **Loud** In some contexts, "ऊंचे" can mean "loud" or "at a high volume". * Example "Don't speak so **loudly**." (इतना **ऊंचे** मत बोलो.) * **Elevated** This can be used to describe something that is raised or placed at a higher level. * Example "The platform was **elevated** above the ground." (प्लेटफार्म जमीन से **ऊंचा** था।) * **Noble** In some metaphorical contexts, "ऊंचे" can mean "noble" or "lofty." * Example "He had **noble** intentions." (उसके **ऊंचे** इरादे थे।) To give you the most accurate translation, please provide more context about how "ऊंचे" is used in your sentence.