
औटाने Meaning in English

औटाने Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of औटाने

Hindi Meaning of औटाने

English Meaning of औटाने

English Meaning of औटाने
The word "औटाने" (auṭāne) in Hindi doesn't have a single perfect English equivalent, as its meaning depends on the context. It generally implies **to soothe, pacify, or console someone, especially a child**. It can also suggest **to lull** someone to sleep or **to coax** them into doing something. Therefore, depending on the context, suitable translations might include * **To soothe** This is a good general translation. * **To pacify** This works well if the person was upset or angry. * **To console** This highlights the emotional aspect of comforting someone. * **To lull** This is appropriate if the act involves getting someone to sleep. * **To coax** This emphasizes gently persuading someone. To get a more precise translation, you'll need to provide the sentence or phrase in which "औटाने" is used.