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औद्योगिकरण Meaning in English

औद्योगिकरण Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of औद्योगिकरण

Hindi Meaning of औद्योगिकरण

English Meaning of औद्योगिकरण

English Meaning of औद्योगिकरण
The word "औद्योगिकरण" in English is **industrialization**. It refers to the process of developing industries in a country or region, which often involves * **Technological advancements** Introducing new machinery and processes for production * **Shifting from agriculture to manufacturing** People move from rural areas to cities to work in factories * **Economic growth** Increased production leads to higher levels of wealth and employment * **Social changes** Urbanization, changes in lifestyles, and new social classes emerge Let me know if you need any further clarification!