
औपबंधिक Meaning in English

औपबंधिक Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of औपबंधिक

Hindi Meaning of औपबंधिक

English Meaning of औपबंधिक

English Meaning of औपबंधिक
"औपबंधिक" in English can be translated in a few ways depending on the context * **Conditional** This is the most common translation and refers to something that is dependent on a specific condition. For example, "औपबंधिक रोजगार" translates to "conditional employment". * **Provisional** This translation suggests something that is temporary or subject to change. For example, "औपबंधिक समझौता" translates to "provisional agreement". * **Stipulated** This emphasizes that something is formally agreed upon or specified. For example, "औपबंधिक शर्तें" translates to "stipulated conditions". To give you the most accurate translation, please provide me with the context in which you encountered the word "औपबंधिक".