
औरंगा Meaning in English

औरंगा Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of औरंगा

Hindi Meaning of औरंगा

English Meaning of औरंगा

English Meaning of औरंगा
The word "औरंगा" (auranga) doesn't have a single, direct English translation. Its meaning depends heavily on context. It's primarily a Hindi word, and its meaning can range from * **Glory** This is a common meaning, referring to splendor, magnificence, or honor. * **Magnificence** Similar to glory, but emphasizing grandeur and impressive scale. * **Splendor** Again, relating to impressive beauty and brilliance. * **Dignity** Referring to a sense of worth and respect. To get a precise translation, you'll need to provide the sentence or phrase where "औरंगा" is used.