
कुड़की Meaning in English

कुड़की Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of कुड़की

Hindi Meaning of कुड़की

English Meaning of कुड़की

English Meaning of कुड़की
The Hindi word "कुड़की" (kuṛakī) doesn't have a single, perfect English translation as its meaning depends heavily on context. It generally refers to a small, insignificant, or unimportant thing or person. Here are some possible translations depending on the context * **Little thing** This is a general translation that works in many cases. * **Trivial matter** If referring to something unimportant. * **Small piece** If referring to a small fragment of something. * **Petty person** If referring to a person of little consequence. * **Insignificant detail** If referring to a detail that doesn't matter much. To get a more precise translation, please provide the sentence or context in which you encountered the word "कुड़की".