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ख़यालों Meaning in English


My thoughts were occupied with her.

मेरे ख़याल उससे मग्न थे।

He lost himself in his thoughts.

वह अपने ख़यालों में खो गया।

She shared her deepest thoughts with him.

उसने अपने सबसे गहरे ख़याल उसके साथ साझा किए।


My dreams are filled with you.

मेरे ख़याल तुमसे भरे हुए हैं।

His dreams were shattered.

उसके ख़याल चूर हो गए।

She chased her dreams relentlessly.

उसने अपने ख़यालों का बेरहमी से पीछा किया।


She lived in a world of fantasies.

वह ख़यालों की दुनिया में रहती थी।

His fantasies were vivid and surreal.

उसके ख़याल स्पष्ट और असत्य थे।

They indulged in their fantasies.

उन्होंने अपने ख़यालों में लिप्त हो गए।


He had strange notions about life.

उसके जीवन के बारे में अजीब ख़याल थे।

Her notions of justice were skewed.

न्याय के उसके ख़याल टेढ़े थे।

Their notions clashed.

उनके ख़याल टकरा गए।


He had brilliant ideas for the project.

उसके पास परियोजना के लिए शानदार ख़याल थे।

Her ideas were innovative and groundbreaking.

उसके विचार नए और अभूतपूर्व थे।

They brainstormed new ideas.

उन्होंने नए ख़यालों पर मंथन किया।


His imagination ran wild.

उसकी कल्पना बेकाबू हो गई।

Her imagination was boundless.

उसकी कल्पना असीम थी।

They fueled their imaginations.

उन्होंने अपनी कल्पनाओं को बढ़ावा दिया।


His conceptions of morality were outdated.

नैतिकता की उसकी अवधारणाएँ पुरानी थीं।

Her conceptions of beauty were unique.

सुंदरता की उसकी अवधारणाएँ अनोखी थीं।

Their conceptions differed greatly.

उनकी अवधारणाएँ बहुत भिन्न थीं।


He had a vision for the future.

उसके पास भविष्य के लिए एक दृष्टि थी।

Her visions were prophetic.

उसके दर्शन भविष्यसूचक थे।

They shared their visions.

उन्होंने अपने दर्शन साझा किए।


His suppositions were unfounded.

उसकी धारणाएँ निराधार थीं।

Her suppositions were proven wrong.

उसकी धारणाएँ गलत साबित हुईं।

Their suppositions were based on speculation.

उनकी धारणाएँ अटकलों पर आधारित थीं।


His presumptions were arrogant.

उसकी धारणाएँ अभिमानी थीं।

Her presumptions were unwarranted.

उसकी धारणाएँ अनुचित थीं।

Their presumptions led to misunderstandings.

उनकी धारणाओं से गलतफहमी हुई।


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