
छल्ले Meaning in English

छल्ले Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of छल्ले

Hindi Meaning of छल्ले

English Meaning of छल्ले

English Meaning of छल्ले
"Chhalle" is a Hindi word, and it has a few different meanings in English depending on the context **1. Rings (as in jewelry)** This is the most common meaning of "chhalle" in English. **2. Hoops (as in basketball)** Sometimes, "chhalle" can refer to basketball hoops. **3. Circles (in a general sense)** It can also mean circles in a more general sense, like the circles of a target. **To get a more accurate translation, please provide me with more context. For example, could you tell me** * What is the sentence where you encountered "chhalle"? * What is the general topic of the sentence? With more information, I can give you a more specific translation.