
छांटना Meaning in English

छांटना Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of छांटना

Hindi Meaning of छांटना

English Meaning of छांटना

English Meaning of छांटना
"Chāntnā" in Hindi has a few possible meanings in English, depending on the context **1. To separate** This is the most common meaning. It refers to the action of sorting or separating things based on some criteria, like size, quality, or type. **Examples** * **Chāntnā** **phal** To sort fruits (based on ripeness, size, etc.) * **Chāntnā** **kapde** To sort clothes (by color, type, etc.) **2. To sift** It can also refer to the act of sifting, like removing impurities or unwanted elements from something. **Example** * **Aata chāntnā** To sift flour (to remove lumps or impurities) **3. To filter** In some contexts, it can mean to filter something, like water or liquid, to remove impurities. **Example** * **Pani chāntnā** To filter water (to make it clean) **4. To select** In a more general sense, it can also mean to select or choose something from a group. **Example** * **Chāntnā** **ek kitab** To choose a book (from a collection) The specific meaning of "chāntnā" will depend on the context in which it's used.