
छिल Meaning in English

छिल Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of छिल

Hindi Meaning of छिल

English Meaning of छिल

English Meaning of छिल
"Chhil" is a Hindi word that means "peel" or "skin." It can refer to the outer layer of fruits, vegetables, and other objects. Here are some examples of how "chhil" is used in English * **"Peel the banana."** This means to remove the outer skin of the banana. * **"The chhil of the onion is very thin."** This means that the outer layer of the onion is very delicate. * **"I used a knife to remove the chhil from the potato."** This means that the person used a knife to peel the potato. It is also used metaphorically to describe the outer layer of something or someone, like a person's personality. * **"He's got a tough chhil."** This means that he is difficult to get to know or to approach. So, depending on the context, "chhil" can have different meanings in English.