
छोड़ Meaning in English

छोड़ Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of छोड़

Hindi Meaning of छोड़

English Meaning of छोड़

English Meaning of छोड़
The Hindi word "छोड़" (chhoṛ) has a few meanings in English, depending on the context. The most common are * **To leave** This is the most straightforward translation. It can mean to depart from a place, to abandon something, or to let go of something. * **To release** This applies when letting go of something held physically or metaphorically. * **To abandon** This implies leaving something permanently or neglecting it. * **To quit** This is suitable when referring to stopping an activity or job. * **To give up** Similar to "quit," but can also refer to relinquishing something. To get the most accurate translation, you need to provide the sentence or context in which "छोड़" is used.