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आज ठन्ड छ।
Today is cold.
मलाई ठन्ड लाग्यो।
I caught a cold.
ठन्ड पानी पिउनुहोस्।
Drink cold water.
यो ठन्ड हावा छ।
This is cool breeze.
उसको व्यवहार ठन्ड थियो।
His behavior was cool.
ठन्ड रंगहरू प्रयोग गर्नुहोस्।
Use cool colors.
राती ठन्ड हुन्छ।
It gets chilly at night.
मलाई ठन्ड लागिरहेको छ।
I am feeling chilly.
ठन्ड मौसममा तातो कपडा लगाउनुहोस्।
Wear warm clothes in chilly weather.
हिमालमा ठन्ड हावा चल्छ।
Frigid wind blows in the mountains.
उसको स्वभाव ठन्ड छ।
His nature is frigid.
ठन्ड पानीले नुहाउनु हुँदैन।
Don't bathe in frigid water.
पानी ठन्ड भयो।
Water is frozen.
ठन्ड तरकारी खानु हुँदैन।
Don't eat frozen vegetables.
ठन्ड मासु पकाउनु पर्छ।
Frozen meat must be cooked.
मेरो हात ठन्ड भएको छ।
My hand is numb.
ठन्डले शरीर सुन्निएको छ।
My body is numb due to cold.
ठन्डले औंलाहरू सुन्निएका छन्।
Fingers are numb due to cold.
उसको हृदय ठन्ड छ।
His heart is unfeeling.
ठन्ड व्यवहार गर्नु हुँदैन।
Don't behave unfeelingly.
ठन्ड मान्छेसँग कुरा गर्नु हुँदैन।
Don't talk to unfeeling people.
उनी मेरो समस्याप्रति ठन्ड छन्।
He is indifferent to my problems.
ठन्ड प्रतिक्रिया दिनु हुँदैन।
Don't give an indifferent response.
ठन्ड व्यवहार गर्ने मानिसहरू।
People with indifferent behavior.
ठन्डले गर्दा काम गर्न मन लागेन।
I didn't feel like working because of apathy.
उसको ठन्डपन देखेर मलाई दु:ख लाग्यो।
I felt sad seeing his apathy.
ठन्डले मानिसलाई निष्क्रिय बनाउँछ।
Apathy makes people inactive.
ठन्डको कारण शरीर ठन्ड भयो।
Body became inactive due to cold.
ठन्डको कारण काममा ढिलाइ भयो।
Work was delayed due to cold.
ठन्डले मानिसलाई निष्क्रिय बनाउँछ।
Cold makes a person inactive.
ठन्डले मेरो शरीर सुस्त भएको छ।
My body is sluggish due to cold.
ठन्डले मेरो दिमाग सुस्त भएको छ।
My mind is sluggish due to cold.
ठन्डले मानिसलाई सुस्त बनाउँछ।
Cold makes a person sluggish.
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