
ठप्प Meaning in English

ठप्प Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of ठप्प

Hindi Meaning of ठप्प

English Meaning of ठप्प

English Meaning of ठप्प
"ठप्प" in Hindi has a few different meanings in English depending on the context. Here are some possibilities * **Stamp** This is the most common meaning. It refers to a small piece of rubber or metal with a design that is pressed onto a surface to make an imprint. * **Seal** This meaning is similar to "stamp", but it usually refers to a more official or formal imprint. * **Slap** This meaning is more literal and refers to a forceful blow with the palm of the hand. * **Silence** This meaning is less common but can be used to indicate that something is quiet or still. For example * "He put a **stamp** on the envelope." * "The **seal** on the document was broken." * "He gave me a **slap** on the back." * "There was a **silence** in the room." To get the most accurate translation, please provide more context about how "ठप्प" is being used in your sentence.