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वह वहाँ ठांणियौ।
He stood there.
वे सब वहाँ ठांणियौ।
They all stood there.
घोड़ा वहाँ ठांणियौ।
The horse stood there.
वह वहीं ठांणियौ।
He remained there.
स्थिति लंबे समय तक ठांणियौ।
The situation remained for a long time.
उसने अपनी बात पर ठांणियौ।
He stood his ground.
मैं वहाँ ठांणियौ।
I stayed there.
वे पूरे दिन ठांणियौ।
They stayed the whole day.
वह अपने फैसले पर ठांणियौ।
He stayed firm on his decision.
वह अपने विचार पर ठांणियौ।
He persisted in his opinion.
उसने अपनी गलती पर ठांणियौ।
He persisted in his mistake.
समस्या ठांणियौ रही।
The problem persisted.
उसने कठिनाइयों का सामना ठांणियौ।
He endured the hardships.
वो दर्द ठांणियौ।
He endured the pain.
उसने परीक्षा का दबाव ठांणियौ।
He endured the pressure of the exam.
उसने विरोध का ठांणियौ।
He resisted the opposition.
उसने लालच का ठांणियौ।
He resisted temptation.
पादप रोग का ठांणियौ।
The plant resisted disease.
इमारत ने भूकंप का ठांणियौ।
The building withstood the earthquake.
उसने आलोचना का ठांणियौ।
He withstood the criticism.
सेना ने हमले का ठांणियौ।
The army withstood the attack.
उसने अपनी शांति ठांणियौ।
He maintained his calmness.
उसने अपनी स्थिति ठांणियौ।
He maintained his position.
उसने अपने वादे पर ठांणियौ।
He maintained his promise.
उसने अपनी साँस ठांणियौ।
He held his breath.
उसने अपने विचारों को ठांणियौ।
He held onto his beliefs.
उसने अपने आप को ठांणियौ।
He held himself together.
उसने अपने नज़रिये को ठांणियौ।
He fixed his point of view.
उसने अपने लक्ष्य को ठांणियौ।
He fixed his goal.
उसने समय को ठांणियौ।
He fixed the time.
वह शहर में ठांणियौ।
He settled in the city.
वे गाँव में ठांणियौ।
They settled in the village.
परिवार वहाँ ठांणियौ।
The family settled there.
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