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मैले ठाउँ परिवर्तन गरें।
I changed the place.
यहाँ राम्रो ठाउँ छ।
There is a good place here.
त्यो ठाउँमा जानुहोस्।
Go to that place.
यहाँ धेरै ठाउँ छ।
There is a lot of space here.
मेरो कोठामा ठाउँ कम छ।
There is less space in my room.
यस ठाउँमा अटाउँदैन।
It does not fit in this space.
उसले राम्रो ठाउँ पायो।
He got a good spot.
यो ठाउँ निकै सुन्दर छ।
This spot is very beautiful.
मलाई एउटा राम्रो ठाउँ चाहियो।
I need a good spot.
ठाउँ पत्ता लगाउनुहोस्।
Find the location.
यो ठाउँ धेरै रमाइलो छ।
This location is very fun.
यो ठाउँको इतिहास धेरै लामो छ।
The history of this location is very long.
यो ऐतिहासिक ठाउँ हो।
This is a historical site.
यो ठाउँमा धेरै मानिसहरू आउँछन्।
Many people come to this site.
यो ठाउँ निर्माणको लागि उपयुक्त छ।
This site is suitable for construction.
उसले ठाउँ परिवर्तन गर्यो।
He changed his position.
यो ठाउँमा बस्नुहोस्।
Stay in this position.
तिमी ठाउँमा बस्नु।
Stay in your position.
उसको ठाउँ कस्तो छ?
What is his situation?
मेरो ठाउँ राम्रो छैन।
My situation is not good.
यो ठाउँमा सुधार गर्नुपर्छ।
This situation needs improvement.
यो ठाउँ धेरै ठूलो छ।
This area is very large.
यो ठाउँमा धेरै घरहरू छन्।
There are many houses in this area.
यो ठाउँमा धेरै रुखहरू छन्।
There are many trees in this area.
यो ठाउँमा आउनुहोस्।
Come to this point.
यो ठाउँ महत्वपूर्ण छ।
This point is important.
यो ठाउँबाट दृश्य राम्रो छ।
The view is good from this point.
पुस्तकको यो ठाउँ पढ्नुहोस्।
Read this part of the book.
घरको यो ठाउँ धेरै सुन्दर छ।
This part of the house is very beautiful.
यस ठाउँमा समस्या छ।
There is a problem in this part.
मलाई एउटा राम्रो ठाउँ चाहिन्छ।
I need a good place.
यो ठाउँ धेरै भीडभाड छ।
This place is very crowded.
त्यो ठाउँमा जानुहोस्।
Go to that place.
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