
ठिकानेदार Meaning in English

ठिकानेदार Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of ठिकानेदार

Hindi Meaning of ठिकानेदार

English Meaning of ठिकानेदार

English Meaning of ठिकानेदार
"ठिकानेदार" doesn't directly translate to a single English word. It's a Hindi word that implies someone who is * **Loyal and faithful** They are someone who is dependable and trustworthy, committed to a cause or person. * **Dedicated** They are passionate and committed to their work or purpose. * **Stalwart** They are strong and unwavering in their beliefs or actions. Depending on the context, you could translate it as * **Devoted** * **Faithful** * **Loyal** * **Dedicated** * **Stalwart** * **Steadfast** * **Reliable** It's important to understand the specific context to choose the best translation. For example, if you're talking about a loyal friend, "devoted" or "faithful" would be good choices. If you're talking about a dedicated worker, "dedicated" or "stalwart" might be more appropriate.