
ठेकेदार Meaning in English

ठेकेदार Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of ठेकेदार

Hindi Meaning of ठेकेदार

English Meaning of ठेकेदार

English Meaning of ठेकेदार
"ठेकेदार" in English is **contractor**. A contractor is a person or company that agrees to provide a service or complete a project for a specific price. This can include * **Construction contractors** Build houses, buildings, roads, etc. * **General contractors** Oversee and manage all aspects of a construction project. * **Subcontractors** Perform specialized tasks within a larger project. * **Service contractors** Provide services like plumbing, electrical work, landscaping, etc. The word "ठेकेदार" implies someone who takes on a contract and agrees to deliver a specific outcome.