
ठेल Meaning in English

ठेल Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of ठेल

Hindi Meaning of ठेल

English Meaning of ठेल

English Meaning of ठेल
"ठेल" in Hindi has multiple meanings depending on the context. Here are some possibilities * **To push, shove, or propel** This is the most common meaning. For example, "ठेल गाड़ी" means "push cart". * **To press, squeeze, or crowd** This meaning applies to situations where you are exerting force on something. * **To be forceful or assertive** This meaning refers to a strong or persistent personality. It's important to consider the context of the sentence to determine the most accurate translation of "ठेल". Please provide me with the sentence or context where you encountered this word, and I can give you a more specific translation.