
डब्बे Meaning in English

डब्बे Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of डब्बे

Hindi Meaning of डब्बे

English Meaning of डब्बे

English Meaning of डब्बे
"Dabbe" can have multiple meanings in English, depending on the context. Here are some possibilities * **Box** This is the most common meaning of "dabbe" in English. It refers to a container, typically made of cardboard, for storing or transporting items. * **Can** This meaning is less common, but "dabbe" can sometimes refer to a tin can, especially in informal contexts. * **Small container** In some regions, "dabbe" might be used to describe a small container made of different materials like plastic or metal. To determine the exact meaning of "dabbe" in a specific context, you need to consider the surrounding words and the overall situation.