
डर्मिस Meaning in English

डर्मिस Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of डर्मिस

Hindi Meaning of डर्मिस

English Meaning of डर्मिस

English Meaning of डर्मिस
"Dermis" in English means **the inner layer of skin**. It's the thick layer of connective tissue beneath the epidermis (the outer layer of skin). The dermis contains * **Blood vessels** Provide nutrients and oxygen to the skin. * **Nerves** Detect sensations like touch, pressure, and pain. * **Hair follicles** Produce hair. * **Sweat glands** Secrete sweat to regulate body temperature. * **Sebaceous glands** Produce oil to lubricate the skin. * **Collagen and elastin fibers** Provide strength and elasticity to the skin. So, the dermis is a crucial part of our skin, responsible for its structure, function, and health.