
डांग Meaning in English

डांग Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of डांग

Hindi Meaning of डांग

English Meaning of डांग

English Meaning of डांग
"डांग" (Daang) can have a few different meanings in English, depending on the context. Here are some possibilities * **Road, way, path** This is the most common meaning. It can be used for any kind of route, whether it's a paved road, a dirt path, or a trail. * **Way of life, path of life** This meaning is less common, but it can be used to refer to the course of someone's life. * **Direction, course, way** This can refer to the direction something is heading, or the way something is developing. **For example** * "मुझे तेथे जाण्याचा **डांग** दाखवा" (Show me the **way** to get there). * "तीने त्याच्या **डांग**वर चालणे सुरू ठेवले" (She continued walking on her **path**). * "त्याने त्याच्या आयुष्याचा **डांग** बदलला" (He changed the **course** of his life). To understand the exact meaning of "डांग" in a particular context, you will need to look at the surrounding words and the overall meaning of the sentence.