
डाव Meaning in English

डाव Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of डाव

Hindi Meaning of डाव

English Meaning of डाव

English Meaning of डाव
"डाव" can have multiple meanings in English, depending on the context. Here are a few possibilities * **Left (direction)** This is the most common meaning, referring to the direction opposite of right. For example, "He sat on the left side of the table." * **Bet/Wager/Stake** This meaning refers to placing a bet or wager on something. For example, "He made a big daav on the horse race." * **Trick/Deception** This meaning refers to a trick or deception used to gain an advantage. For example, "He used a clever daav to win the game." To determine the precise meaning of "डाव," you need to consider the context in which it is used.