
डीएपी Meaning in English

डीएपी Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of डीएपी

Hindi Meaning of डीएपी

English Meaning of डीएपी

English Meaning of डीएपी
DAP stands for **"Delivered At Place"** in international trade. It means that the seller is responsible for delivering the goods to a specified location, but not for unloading or insurance. Here's a breakdown * **Delivered** The goods are physically transported to the agreed-upon location. * **At** This specifies the location where the goods are delivered. * **Place** This indicates the specific point within the designated location where the seller's responsibility ends. In essence, the seller takes care of all costs and risks associated with transporting the goods to the agreed-upon place. However, the buyer is responsible for any additional costs, like unloading, customs clearance, or insurance, after the goods have arrived at the destination. It's important to note that the specific location ("Place") needs to be clearly defined in the contract to avoid confusion.