
डोडी Meaning in English

डोडी Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of डोडी

Hindi Meaning of डोडी

English Meaning of डोडी

English Meaning of डोडी
"Doddi" is a word with different meanings depending on the context. It could be **1. A Telugu word meaning "small," "little," or "young."** This is the most common meaning of "doddi." It's often used as a diminutive, like adding "-y" or "-ie" to words in English. **2. A surname or family name.** "Doddi" is also a common surname in some parts of India. **3. A place name.** There are various locations called "Doddi" in India, including villages and towns. **4. A slang term.** In some regions, "doddi" might have a slang meaning, often related to something small or insignificant. **Without more context, it's impossible to give a definitive English translation.** To understand the specific meaning of "doddi" in a particular situation, you need to know the context in which it's used.