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तथापि, मुझे जाना होगा।
However, I have to go.
वह बीमार था, तथापि उसने परीक्षा दी।
He was ill; however, he took the exam.
मुझे बहुत थकान हो रही थी, तथापि मैंने काम पूरा किया।
I was very tired; however, I finished the work.
तथापि, उसने अपना वादा निभाया।
Nevertheless, he kept his promise.
उसने बहुत कोशिश की, तथापि वह असफल रहा।
He tried hard, nevertheless he failed.
मौसम खराब था, तथापि हमने यात्रा जारी रखी।
The weather was bad, nevertheless we continued our journey.
वह बहुत व्यस्त था, तथापि उसने मुझे समय दिया।
He was very busy, still he gave me time.
मुझे डर लग रहा था, तथापि मैंने आगे बढ़ा।
I was feeling scared, still I moved forward.
यह मुश्किल काम था, तथापि हमने इसे पूरा किया।
It was a difficult task, still we completed it.
वह छोटा था, तथापि वह बहुत बुद्धिमान था।
He was small, yet he was very intelligent.
यह एक आसान काम नहीं था, तथापि हमने इसे कर दिखाया।
It wasn't an easy job, yet we did it.
मैं थक गया था, तथापि मैंने काम जारी रखा।
I was tired, yet I continued working.
तथापि कठिनाइयों के, उसने सफलता पाई।
Despite the difficulties, he succeeded.
तथापि विरोध के, उसने अपना काम जारी रखा।
Despite the opposition, he continued his work.
तथापि बाधाओं के, उसने लक्ष्य प्राप्त किया।
Despite the obstacles, he achieved his goal.
तथापि उसकी बीमारी के, वह काम पर गया।
In spite of his illness, he went to work.
तथापि बारिश के, हम बाहर गए।
In spite of the rain, we went out.
तथापि उसकी उम्र के, वह बहुत सक्रिय है।
In spite of his age, he is very active.
तथापि उसकी असफलता के, उसने हार नहीं मानी।
Nonetheless, he did not give up after his failure.
तथापि उसके प्रयासों के, वह सफल नहीं हुआ।
Nonetheless, he was not successful despite his efforts.
तथापि उसकी मेहनत के, उसे कामयाबी नहीं मिली।
Nonetheless, he did not get success despite his hard work.
तथापि, मुझे यह काम करना ही होगा।
Even so, I have to do this work.
तथापि परिणामों के, मुझे आगे बढ़ना होगा।
Even so, I have to move forward despite the consequences.
तथापि चिंताओं के, मुझे आशावादी रहना होगा।
Even so, I have to remain optimistic despite the worries.
तथापि वह थक गया था, उसने काम जारी रखा।
Although he was tired, he continued working.
तथापि वह बीमार है, वह स्कूल गया।
Although he is sick, he went to school.
तथापि यह कठिन है, हम कोशिश करेंगे।
Although it is difficult, we will try.
तथापि विपरीत परिस्थितियों के, उसने सफलता प्राप्त की।
Inspite of adverse conditions, he achieved success.
तथापि सभी बाधाओं के, वह अपने लक्ष्य तक पहुँच गया।
Inspite of all the obstacles, he reached his goal.
तथापि आलोचना के, उसने अपना काम जारी रखा।
Inspite of criticism, he continued his work.
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