
त्रातार Meaning in English

त्रातार Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of त्रातार

Hindi Meaning of त्रातार

English Meaning of त्रातार

English Meaning of त्रातार
"Tratar" is a Spanish word, not Hindi. It means "**to treat**" in English. It can also be used figuratively to mean "**to handle**" or "**to deal with**". Here are some examples of how "tratar" can be used * **"Tratar a alguien con respeto"** - To treat someone with respect * **"Tratar un problema"** - To handle a problem * **"Tratar con un cliente"** - To deal with a client If you are looking for the meaning of a word in Hindi, please provide the word in Hindi so I can give you an accurate translation.