
त्रियुगीय Meaning in English

त्रियुगीय Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of त्रियुगीय

Hindi Meaning of त्रियुगीय

English Meaning of त्रियुगीय

English Meaning of त्रियुगीय
"Triyugi" is a Sanskrit word that can be translated into English in a few different ways, depending on the context * **"Three ages"** This is the most common translation, referring to the three yugas in Hinduism Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, and Dvapara Yuga. * **"Three-bodied"** This is a less common translation, referring to the three bodies (physical, mental, and spiritual) that are believed to make up a human being in some schools of Hinduism. * **"Three-fold"** This is a general translation that can refer to anything that has three parts or aspects. To provide a more accurate translation, please provide more context. For example, is "triyugi" being used in a religious context? Is it referring to a specific deity or concept? Once I have more information, I can give you a more precise translation.