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थपथपाईले परियोजनाको लागत बढायो।
The addition increased the project cost.
उसले आफ्नो लेखमा थपथपाई गर्यो।
He made additions to his article.
सरकारले बजेटमा थपथपाई गर्ने निर्णय गर्यो।
The government decided to make additions to the budget.
यो पुस्तकको थपथपाई हो।
This is a supplement to the book.
उसले आफ्नो भाषणमा थपथपाई दियो।
He gave a supplement to his speech.
डाक्टरले औषधिको थपथपाई सुझाए।
The doctor suggested a supplement to the medicine.
उसको तलबमा थपथपाई भयो।
His salary got an increment.
कम्पनीले नाफामा थपथपाई देखायो।
The company showed an increment in profit.
संख्यामा थपथपाई भयो।
There was an increment in the number.
यसले चित्रको थपथपाई गर्दछ।
This enhances the picture.
उसको काममा थपथपाई भयो।
His work got an enhancement.
प्रविधिले जीवनको गुणस्तरमा थपथपाई ल्यायो।
Technology brought enhancement to the quality of life.
यो संगीतमा थपथपाई हो।
This is an augmentation to the music.
उसले आफ्नो ज्ञानमा थपथपाई गर्यो।
He augmented his knowledge.
यो परियोजनाको लागि थपथपाई हो।
This is an augmentation for the project.
जनसंख्यामा थपथपाई भयो।
There was an increase in population.
उत्पादनमा थपथपाई भयो।
There was an increase in production.
तापक्रममा थपथपाई भयो।
There was an increase in temperature.
कम्पनीले आफ्नो व्यापारमा थपथपाई गर्यो।
The company expanded its business.
उसको घरमा थपथपाई भयो।
His house was expanded.
यसले ज्ञानको दायरामा थपथपाई गर्दछ।
This expands the scope of knowledge.
यो सम्झौताको थपथपाई हो।
This is an extension of the agreement.
उसले आफ्नो यात्राको अवधिमा थपथपाई गर्यो।
He extended his travel period.
समयसीमामा थपथपाई भयो।
There was an extension of the deadline.
उसले आफ्नो विचारको थपथपाई गर्यो।
He amplified his idea.
यन्त्रले आवाजको थपथपाई गर्दछ।
The device amplifies the sound.
यो प्रतिक्रियाको थपथपाई हो।
This is an amplification of the response.
उसले आहारमा थपथपाई गर्यो।
He supplemented his diet.
यो पाठ्यक्रमको थपथपाई हो।
This is a supplement to the course.
उसले आफ्नो आयमा थपथपाई गर्यो।
He supplemented his income.
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